Website visibility and ranking

This article covers how you can maximize the visibility of your Pitchero Club website.

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Social media

Custom domain name

Meta description

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Contact Support


Visibility of your Pitchero Club website is a high priority for the club, its members and commercial interests.

Fortunately, there are lots of quick and easy ways your club can maximise the visibility and presence online using your Pitchero Club website.


The most effective way of improving and maximizing your club’s online presence is through content. Posting regular and engaging content gives visitors more reasons to come back.

Here is a selection of engaging content types your club can easily post on the website:

  • News articles and club events
  • Photos albums and videos
  • Fixtures information (previews, reports and statistics)
  • Sponsors

Social Media

A great way of increasing the reach of the club's engaging content is to share the content on social media.

This includes:

  • The club’s social media channels
  • The members’ own social media channels

This can provide a new audience for the club’s website and grow the club within the online community. 

We have dedicated articles on sharing content with social media:

Custom domain name

Clubs on the Elite or Ultimate package can connect a custom domain name to the website.

This can help improve the club’s website visibility whilst also providing a professional appeal to new and existing members.

Once a custom domain name has been connected to the website, the club can also connect a Google Analytics account to the website. 

This will help to provide key website performance data, as well as more information about the visitors accessing the website.

Meta description

Another way to further personalise your club's online presence is to customise the meta description.

A meta description is effectively a short description of what the website/page contains and shows on search engine listings.

Your club can use this feature to celebrate the fantastic achievements and initiatives at your club which visitors can find more information on the website.

For more information, see our dedicated article here.

Please note: 

A custom meta description is available to clubs on the Elite or Ultimate package.

You can find more information on each package here.

Related articles

Thanks for taking a look at this article, we hope that you found it useful.

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Contact Support

If you have any questions regarding your Pitchero Club website and it's visibility, you can contact our dedicated support team via the form below.

When contacting support, it's important that you provide as much relevant information (including steps taken, links and screenshots to relevant pages) so we can help to resolve the query as quickly as possible for you.