Set up match fees

This article provides information on setting up match fees on your Pitchero Club website.

Quick links:


Match Fees is a dedicated feature allowing Webmasters and Team Admins to easily collect match fee payments from members directly through the Pitchero system.

The club creates a set (or sets) of fees (which can vary for different members of the team e.g. starters and substitutes), then requests the payment to be made by the member.

The member can easily pay in seconds via the Club app or the web version of their Pitchero account. The member can pay for a match fee, or multiple outstanding match fees at the same time.

For more information on how Match Fees can help your club, please see the video below.

Payment provider

The Match Fees feature works on collecting one-off payments from members on a regular basis. To use match fees, your club needs to have Stripe set up as a payment provider.

You can learn more here.

Set up

Step-by-step guide:

  • Go to your club admin dashboard
  • Click 'Match Fees' from the left-hand menu
  • Click 'Dashboard' from the sub-menu
  • Click 'Add match fees'
    • If your club isn't collecting payments with Stripe, you will need to register a Stripe payment provider account before you can start collecting match fees
  • Enter the match fees name (e.g. 'Senior') and click 'Next'
  • Enter price variations which you will need to allocate to players (e.g. 'Starter' and 'Substitute') and click 'Next'
  • Click 'Add teams +'
  • Select the team(s), click 'Save', then click 'Next'
  • Select the bank account you would like payments to be paid into
  • Review the details and click 'Finish setup'

View/edit match fees

Step-by-step guide:

  • Go to your club admin dashboard
  • Click 'Match Fees' from the left-hand menu
  • Click 'Dashboard' from the sub-menu
  • Locate a match fees group and click on the name
  • Click 'Info'
  • View and make any changes required
  • The page will save these changes automatically

Select teams

To collect match fees for a fixture, the team needs to be linked to the match fees product. Newly created teams are not associated with a match fees product by default, a Webmaster with access to the Match Fees area in the club admin dashboard would need to select the team.

Step-by-step guide:

  • Go to your club admin dashboard
  • Click "Match Fees" from the left-hand menu
  • Click "Products" from the sub-menu
  • Click on the product name
  • Click "Teams"
  • Click "Edit teams"
  • Tick/untick teams
  • Click "Save"

Selected teams can collect match fees using options added to that match fee product.

Please note:

A team can only be associated with one match fees product at any one time. A team would need to be deselected from one product before it can be selected for another match fee product.

Related articles

Thanks for taking a look at this article, we hope that you found it useful.

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Contact support

If you have any questions regarding using match fees on your Pitchero Club website, you can contact our dedicated support team via the form below.

When contacting support, it's important that you provide as much relevant information (including steps taken, links and screenshots to relevant pages) so we can help to resolve the query as quickly as possible for you.