Collect match fees

This article provides information on collecting match fee payments from players using your Pitchero Club website.

Quick links:


Manage match fees on a fixture

Allocate players with match fee variants

Prompt players for payment

Track who has paid

Mark a manually collected payment

Remove a Match Fee

Related articles

Contact support



The Match Fees feature allows Webmasters and Team Admins to request payment for a specific match fee.

When allocating players selected for a game, the admin can select a match fee variant (e.g. starter or substitute).

For more information on how Match Fees can help your club, please see the video below.


Manage match fees on a fixture

Step-by-step guide:

  • Go to your club control panel
  • Click 'Teams' from the left-hand menu
  • Click on a team from the sub-menu
  • Locate a fixture and click 'Match Centre'
  • Click 'Match Fees'
  • Click 'Use Team Selection' to use the existing team selected for the game or click 'Players' to select existing players without creating a team selection


Allocate players with match fee variants

Step-by-step guide:

  • Go to your club control panel
  • Click 'Teams' from the left-hand menu
  • Click on a team from the sub-menu
  • Locate a fixture and click 'Match Centre'
  • Click 'Match Fees'
  • Click on a player's name
  • Select a match fees option (e.g. 'Starter' or 'Substitute' in the side-bar)


Prompt players for payment

When you first set up your Match Fees you will then send a notification to all those members to inform them they have a Match Fee to pay, if however, you need to prompt your players you can do so via the Match Fees page.

Step-by-step guide:

  • Go to your club control panel
  • Click 'Teams' from the left-hand menu
  • Click on a team from the sub-menu
  • Locate a fixture and click 'Match Centre'
  • Click 'Match Fees'
  • Review the players selected and amounts requested
  • Click 'Send' to request payment from players selected


Track who has paid

Step-by-step guide:

  • Go to your club control panel
  • Click 'Teams' from the left-hand menu
  • Click on a team from the sub-menu
  • Locate a fixture and click 'Match Centre'
  • Click 'Match Fees'
  • View the match fee payment for each player selected
  • If a player has yet to pay, click on their name
  • Click 'Request' to prompt the player for payment again


Mark a manually collected payment

Step-by-step guide:

  • Go to your club control panel
  • Click 'Teams' from the left-hand menu
  • Click on a team from the sub-menu
  • Locate a fixture and click 'Match Centre'
  • Click 'Match Fees'
  • Click on the player's name
  • Click 'Paid cash'
  • Click 'Confirm'

It is not possible to remove a payment once it has been 'Paid'. Please ensure you only manually update members who have paid outside of Pitchero. 


Remove a Match Fee

If you have assigned a member by accident (e.g. they didn't play) you can easily remove these from the match fees page. 

Step-by-step guide:

  • Go to your club control panel
  • Click 'Teams' from the left-hand menu
  • Click on a team from the sub-menu
  • Locate a fixture and click 'Match Centre'
  • Click 'Match Fees'
  • Click on the player's name
  • Click 'Delete'
  • Click 'Confirm'

It is not possible to remove a fee once this has been paid, either by Cash or Stripe.  


Related articles

Thanks for taking a look at this article, we hope that you found it useful.

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Contact support

If you have any questions regarding using match fees on your Pitchero Club website, you can contact our dedicated support team via the form below.

When contacting support, it's important that you provide as much relevant information (including steps taken, links and screenshots to relevant pages) so we can help to resolve the query as quickly as possible for you.