Match fees fixture report

This article provides information on viewing paid and unpaid match fees using the fixture report on your Pitchero Club website.


Match Fees is a dedicated feature allowing Webmasters and Team Admins to easily collect match fee payments from members via fixtures added to Pitchero.

The Fixture Report page within the Match Fees section of the club admin dashboard gives Webmasters more advanced information on paid and unpaid match fee assignments on a fixture-by-fixture basis.

Using the data and the filters available, the club can easily identify specific fixtures and teams with completed or outstanding match fee payments owed.

Using the fixture report tool

Step-by-step guide:

  • Go to your Pitchero club admin dashboard
  • Click 'Match Fees' from the left-hand menu
  • Click 'Dashboard' from the sub-menu
  • The latest 5 fixtures are shown on the Dashboard page.
  • Click 'Fixture Report' on the centre of the page to view a full drill-down of fees by fixture

Using filters on the Fixture Report page

Step-by-step guide:

  • Go to your Pitchero club admin dashboard
  • Click 'Match Fees' from the left-hand menu
  • Click 'Dashboard' from the sub-menu
  • Click 'Fixture Report' on the centre of the page to view a full drill-down of fees by fixture
  • Click 'Filters' towards the top of the page
  • Choose a filter(s)
    • Date of fixture(s)
    • Teams
    • Percentage of match fee payments completed for a fixture
  • Click 'Apply filters'


This section covers common troubleshooting queries:

  • Unable to access the Match Fees area of the club admin dashboard
    • In order to access the section, you need to have the Webmaster role with access to the Match Fees section. Team Admins are not able to access this section without also having the Webmaster role with access to the section.
    • If you have the Webmaster role with access to the Match Fees section, check that you are logged into the correct account on Pitchero. You can also try reloading the page in your browser, using a different browser, device or network connection.
  • All match fee payments have been collected but it doesn't show as 100%
    • Check if one or more of the match fee payments collected on the fixture has been partially refunded. If so, the percentage will not show as 100% because the amount collected is lower than the amount expected.

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Contact support

If you have any questions regarding using match fees on your Pitchero Club website, you can contact our dedicated support team via the form below.

When contacting support, it's important that you provide as much relevant information (including steps taken, links, and screenshots to relevant pages) so we can help to resolve the query as quickly as possible for you.