Primary Webmaster access

This article provides information on the role of the Primary Webmaster role on the Pitchero Club website.

Quick links:


Add a new Primary Webmaster

Transfer my Primary Webmaster access to another member

Request from the club to transfer Primary Webmaster access

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Contact Support


The Primary Webmaster of the club is the main point of contact between Pitchero and the club.

This role provides overall control of the website and access to manage other Webmasters of the website.

Add a new Primary Webmaster

It's possible to have more than one Primary Webmaster for the club. If your website for any reason doesn't have a Primary Webmaster, we can promote an existing Webmaster to this status.

To request another member to have Primary Webmaster access, please email

The request must be sent from the existing Primary Webmaster.

We may require more information to complete this action on behalf of the club. 


Transfer my Primary Webmaster access to another member

Step-by-step guide:

  • Go to your club control panel
  • Click 'Membership' from the left-hand menu
  • Click 'Dashboard' from the sub-menu
  • Click 'Transfer Primary Webmaster'
  • Search for the member you wish to transfer Primary Webmaster access to
  • Click 'Transfer'

Please Note: 

Once the access has been transferred, you cannot revoke the change.

Request from the club to transfer Primary Webmaster access

If the current Primary Webmaster on the system has left the club and is not able to transfer their own access following the information above, we can transfer their access on their behalf as a last resort.

In this scenario, in order to override the current Primary Webmaster's access, please provide us with a club headed document requesting the change.

The club-headed document must include:

  • The name of the existing Primary Webmaster
  • The name and email address of the elected new Primary Webmaster
  • The reason why the club wishes to make the change

This document also needs to be signed by two separate senior officials at the club. This could be the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and or President.

Attach the document in an email to, copying in the existing Primary Webmaster.

Related articles

Thanks for taking a look at this article, we hope that you found it useful.

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Contact Support

If you have any questions regarding Primary Webmaster access, you can contact our dedicated support team via the form below.

When contacting support, it's important that you provide as much relevant information (including steps taken, links and screenshots to relevant pages) so we can help to resolve the query as quickly as possible for you.