Fixture Wizard Tool

This article covers using the Fixture Wizard tool to generate a list of fixtures on your Pitchero League website.

Quick links:


Generate a list of unscheduled fixtures

Generate a list of scheduled fixtures

Schedule the fixtures

Upload scheduled fixtures

Related articles


The Pitchero League platform is available for all league levels. For some leagues, the fixtures lists are scheduled well in advance of the season starting. For other leagues, the fixtures are scheduled closer to the time (e.g. on a monthly basis).

To add/upload a fixture to Pitchero, you need to have the following fixture details:

  • The fixture date
  • The home team name
  • The away team name
  • The kick off/start time

Fixtures can be added/uploaded to your Pitchero League website at any time (before the season, during the season, or even after the season) providing you have the details above.


For leagues that schedule their fixtures closer to the time, we have developed the Fixture Wizard tool.

This allows the League Admin to list the teams and how many times they will play each other during the season.

An unscheduled fixture list will be generated for the League Admin to manage the scheduling of fixtures via Excel / Google Sheet.

Once scheduled with a fixture date, the fixture(s) can then be uploaded to the Pitchero League website.

Generate a list of unscheduled fixtures

Step-by-step guide:

  • Go to
  • Enter your details
  • Click 'Next'
  • Enter the team details
    • Division name
    • Number of teams in the division
    • Enter the team names
    • How many times the teams play each other in the season
  • Click 'Export unschedule fixtures'

Generate a list of scheduled fixtures

Step-by-step guide:

  • Go to
  • Enter your details
  • Click 'Next'
  • Enter the team details
    • Division name
    • Number of teams in the division
    • Enter the team names
    • How many times the teams play each other in the season
  • Click 'Next'
  • Select the day in the week each fixture will be scheduled on
  • Select the dates the fixtures will be played between
  • Enter the default kick off/start time for the fixtures
  • Click 'Create slot'
  • Review the gameweeks allocated between the start and end dates
    • Select any gameweeks you wish remove (e.g. over the Christmas period)
    • Click 'Delete selected slot'
  • Click 'Preview'
  • Click 'Export Fixtures'

Schedule the fixtures


  • Load the list of unscheduled fixtures in Excel or Google Sheets
  • Locate the fixtures you wish to schedule
  • Add the fixture date to the fixtures (the date format needs to be DD/MM/YYYY)
  • Copy and paste the scheduled fixtures to a new spreadsheet
  • Ensure the fixture details are correct
    • Column A - fixture date (DD/MM/YYYY)
    • Column B - home team name
    • Column C - away team name
    • Column D - kick off/start time (HH:MM)
  • Save the file as a .csv
  • Return to the spreadsheet of unscheduled fixtures
  • Remove the scheduled fixtures from the spreadsheet

Upload scheduled fixtures

Once the fixture date has been added to the fixture, it can be added/uploaded to Pitchero.

For guidance on uploading fixtures, click here.

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