Subject Access Requests

The article explains how you submit a Subject Access Request in your Pitchero account, and how to view the data.

Quick links:


Submit a Subject Access Request

This feature is available for individuals to download information that is on the Pitchero system for them as an individual user.

Step-by-step guide:

  • Login to Pitchero
  • Click your profile image in the top right corner of the screen
  • Click 'Settings' in the side-bar
  • Click 'Privacy'
  • In the Export your data section, click 'Data exports page'
  • Click 'Export'
  • The system will gather the data for you
  • Click 'Download' once it is ready

View the data from my Subject Access Request

As a Pitchero user, you can issue your own Subject Access request by following the instructions in the section above.

As seen in Article 20 of GDPR: Pitchero provide your data in a .json file format.

JSON files provide information in a machine-readable format which complies with GDPR's data portability clause in Article 20. JSON files allow you to transfer your information more easily to other services, as per GDPR requirements.

Once you have followed the instructions highlighted in the section above and extracted the zip folder, you can open the JSON files using text reader software such as Notepad on Windows and TextEdit on Mac.

You can also view JSON files through dedicated JSON readers online. Simply type in 'JSON reader' into a search engine of your choice.

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Contact support

If you have any questions regarding a Subject Access Request, you can contact our dedicated support team via the form below.

When contacting support, it's important that you provide as much relevant information (including steps taken, links and screenshots to relevant pages) so we can help to resolve the query as quickly as possible for you.